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. 2013 Nov;3(11):a014027. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a014027

Table 1.

Cardiac diseases for which induced pluripotent stem cell models have been generated

Disease Affected gene and gene function Mutation Phenotype in hiPSC-derived cardiac cells Cellular assays Control iPSC lines Patient iPSC lines Rescue and drug testing References
LQT1 KCNQ1, pore-forming α subunit of the channel generating the slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current IKs c.569G > A; p.R190Q Prolonged APD, impaired AP rate adaptation, EADs upon β-adrenergic stress, decreased IKs, aberrant subcellular localization of KCNQ1 owing to trafficking defect of the channel Whole-cell patch clamp, immunohisto-chemistry Two iPSC lines: unrelated 32- and 36- yr-old women Two iPSC lines: 8-yr-old son and 42-yr-old father Propanolol Moretti et al. 2010b
c.1893delC; p.P631fs/33 Prolonged FPD, EADs upon β-adrenergic stress, impaired IKs, trafficking defect of KCNQ1 to the membrane Whole-cell patch clamp, MEA, immunohistochemistry Two iPSC lines: unrelated individuals One iPSC line: 13-yr-old boy Propanolol Egashira et al. 2012
LQT2 KCNH2, pore-forming α subunit of the channel generating the rapid component of the delayed rectifier potassium current IKr c.1841C > T; p.A614V Prolonged APD and FPD owing to reduced IKr, arrhythmia Whole-cell patch clamp, MEA One iPSC line: unrelated individual One iPSC line: 28-yr-old woman Nifedipine, Pinacidil, Ranolazine Itzhaki et al. 2011a
c.1681G > A; p.A561T Prolonged APD and FPD, arrhythmia under β-adrenergic stress, reduced IKr Whole-cell patch clamp, MEA One iPCS line: generated from ESC-derived fibroblasts; one ESC line Two iPSC lines: daughter and mother Propranolol, Nicorandil, PD-118057 Matsa et al. 2011
c.526C > T; p.R176W Prolonged APD and FPD, reduced IKr, arrhythmia under β-adrenergic stress Whole-cell patch clamp, MEA Four iPSC lines: unrelated individuals; one ESC line Two iPSC lines: 61-yr-old man and his sister Erythromycin, Sotalol, Cisapride Lahti et al. 2012
LQT3, Brugada syndrome SCN5A, pore-forming α subunit of the cardiac Na+ channel c.5387_5389insTGA; p.1795insD Increased APD, decreased INa+ Whole-cell patch clamp One iPSC line: unrelated 51-yr-old woman One iPSC line: 47-yr-old man N/A Davis et al. 2012
Timothy syndrome (LQT8) CACNA1C, pore-forming α subunit of L-type Ca2+ channel c.1216G > A; p.G406R Irregular contraction, increased Ca2+ influx, prolonged APD, irregular electrical activity, reduced voltage-dependent inactivation of L-type current, arrhythmias, abnormal Ca2+ transients Whole-cell patch clamp, Ca2+ imaging Two iPSC lines: unrelated individuals Two iPCS lines Roscovitine Yazawa et al. 2011
CPVT1 RYR2, Ca2+ release channel of the SR c.1217C > T; p.S406 L Increased diastolic Ca2+, reduced SR-Ca2+, increased frequency and duration of Ca2+ sparks, arrhythmia and DADs Whole-cell patch clamp, Ca2+ imaging, immuno-histochemistry One iPSC line: unrelated 32-yr-old woman One iPSC line: 24-yr-old woman Dantrolene Jung et al. 2012
c.7447T > A; p.F2483I DADs upon catecholaminergic stimulus, higher amplitude and longer duration of Ca2+ sparks Whole-cell patch clamp, MEA, Ca2+ imaging Two iPSC lines: unrelated individuals; three ESC lines One iPSC line: 46-yr-old woman N/A Fatima et al. 2011
c.12056T > G; p.M4109R DADs, irregular Ca2+ transients, store-overload-induced Ca2+ release Whole-cell patch clamp, MEA, Ca2+ imaging One iPSC line: unrelated individual One iPSC line: 30-yr-old woman Flecainide, Thapsigargin Itzhaki et al. 2012
CPVT2 CASQ2, SR Ca2+-binding protein c.1183G > C; p.D307H DADs, oscillatory arrhythmic prepotentials, after-contractions, increased diastolic Ca2+, less organized myofibrils, enlarged SR cisternae Whole-cell patch clamp, Ca2+ imaging, TEM, immunohisto-chemistry Three iPSC lines: unrelated 25-yr-old man, 23- and 42-yr-old woman Two iPSC lines: 12-yr-old boy and 30-yr-old woman N/A Novak et al. 2012
DCM TNTT2, cardiac troponin T, a sarcomeric protein p.R173W Abnormal distribution of sarcomeric protein α-actinin, increased sarcomeric disorganization upon ionotropic and mechanical stress, impaired Ca2+ handling, decreased contractility TEM, immuno-histochemistry, whole-cell patch clamp, Ca2+ imaging, atomic force microscopy Three iPSC lines: father, son, and grandson Four iPSC lines: mother, two sons, and grandson SERCA2a overexpression, metoprolol, norepinephrine Sun et al. 2012
HCM MYH7, β-myosin heavy chain, a sarcomeric protein c.1988G > A; p.R663H Hypertrophic cardiomyocytes: cellular enlargement and multinucleation, increased myofibril content and sarcomere disorganization, ANF expression, elevation of β-myosin/α-myosin ratio, calcineurin activation, NFAT nuclear translocation, contractile arrhythmia and DADs, Ca2+ cycling dysfunction and elevated [Ca2+]i Immunohisto-chemistry, whole-cell patch clamp, MEA, Ca2+ imaging Five iPSC lines: 55-yr-old husband and 20-, 16-, 14-, and 13-yr-old children Five iPSC lines: 53-yr-old mother and 21-, 18-, 14-, and 10-yr-old children Propranolol, Verapamil, Nifedipin, Diltiazem, Lidocaine, Mexiletine, Ranolazine Lan et al. 2013
LEOPARD syndrome PTPN11, a protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 c.1403C > T; p.T468M Hypertrophic cardiomyocytes: increase in size, increased sarcomeric organization, preferential nuclear localization of NFATC4, increase of phosphorylated proteins MEK1, EGFR Cardiomyocyte cell size determination, immunohisto-chemistry, phosphoproteomics Two iPSC lines: unrelated individual and unaffected brother of the female patient; one ESC line Two iPSC lines: 25-yr-old woman and 34-yr-old man N/A Carvajal-Vergara et al. 2010
ARVC PKP2, plakophilin 2, a desmosomal protein c.1841T > C; p.L614P Decreased expression of desmosomal proteins PKP2, PG, increased lipid droplets upon adipogenic stimulus Immunohisto-chemistry, TEM, Oil Red O staining One iPCS line: unrelated 32-yr-old man One iPSC line: 30-yr-old man N/A Ma et al. 2013
c.2484C > T; r2483_2489del
Abnormal PG nuclear translocation and decreased β-catenin activity, lipogenesis and apoptosis upon adipogenic stimulus, Ca2+-handling defects Immunohisto-chemistry, Nile Red staining, functional assays of FAO and glycolysis, Ca2+ imaging Two iPCS lines: unrelated female and male fetuses;
one ESC line
Two iPSC lines: unrelated female and male individuals Wild-type PKP2 overexpression Kim et al. 2013
Vascular diseases
Pompe’s disease GAA, acid α glucosidase, a lysosomal glycogen-degrading enzyme c.1935C > A/1935C > A; 1935C > A/2040 + 1G > T Increased glycogen levels, deteriorating mitochondria, autophagosome-like structures, reduced cellular respiration Immunohistoche-mistry, electron microscopy, O2 consumption rate measurement One iPSC line: unrelated individual, autologous patient’s iPSC lines with inducible GAA transgene; two hESC lines One iPSC line per mutation GAA transgene, rhGAA; 3-methyladenin L-carnitine Huang et al. 2011
Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome LMNA, lamin A c.1824C > T; p.G608G Premature senescence of SMC associated with vascular aging: reduced telomere length, compromised cell proliferation owing to accumulation of progerin (slice variant of lamin A) Immunohistochemistry, cell proliferation assay, telomere length analysis Two iPSC lines: parents of the patients Two iPSC lines shRNA targeting progerin Zhang et al. 2011a
SVAS/WBS ELN, elastin, monomeric protein tropoelastin, which is secreted, cross-linked, and organized into ELN polymer SVAS: GTAT insertion in exon 9; WBS: 1.4 MB microdeletion at 7q11.23 including ELN gene SMCs: Decreased organization of SM α-actin filament bundles, increased proliferation, increased migration to PDGF Immunohisto-chemistry, migration and proliferation assays Two iPCS lines: unrelated 12- and 1-yr-old boys Two iPSC lines: 39-yr-old man with SVAS and 1-yr-old boy with WBS Recombinant elastin, overexpression of constitutive RhoA Ge et al. 2012

ANF, atrial natriuretic factor; APD, action potential duration; CPVT, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia; DADs, delayed after-depolarizations; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; EADs, early after-depolarizations; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; FAO, fatty acid oxidation; FPD, field potential duration; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LQT, long-QT syndrome; MEA, multielectrode array; MEK1, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1; NFATC4, T-cell transcription factor NFAT3; PG, plakoglobin; SERCA2a, sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase; SMC, smooth muscle cell; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum; SVAS/WBS, supraventricular arrhythmias/Williams syndrome; TEM, transmission electron microscopy.