Figure 5.
Bias in the number of boutons with target-specific preferences. (a) Two models for the different average tuning of all boutons in AL and PM (see Fig. 2c). These differences may be due to the number of inputs, either axons or axonal branches, with matched properties (left; schematized by number of arrows) or area-specific biases in response amplitudes (right; schematized by the thickness of the arrows). (b) Cumulative distribution of preferred spatial frequency (SF; left), preferred temporal frequency (TF; middle) and peak speed (right) for all boutons imaged in each area in WT mice. (c) Same as in b, for boutons in Rbp4-cre mice. Dotted lines include boutons selected in AL with relaxed criteria (P < 0.01 for responsivity and 75% confidence intervals; n = 143). (d) Left, median speed of all boutons imaged in each WT (open circles) or Rbp4-cre (open triangles) mouse and for all boutons (filled circles). Areas imaged in the same mouse are connected with a gray line. Numbers of mice with each area imaged (black) and with multiple areas imaged (gray) are indicated below. Filled squares are the median speed of cell bodies imaged in AL (red) and PM (blue; from ref. 4). Right, cumulative distribution of peak speed for boutons (thick lines) and cell bodies (thin lines) imaged in AL and PM. Arrows at 10% and 90% highlight the difference in distributions at the low and high speeds.