Figure 2. Heat map representation of discrimination factors for candidate protein biomarker pairs in discrimination of Antibody-Mediated Rejection versus Cell-Mediated Rejection.
Proteins for Antibody-Mediated Rejection were selected from the “acute inflammatory response” list (Table 4), the “protein localization” list (supporting Information Table S5), and the “response to unfolded protein” list (supporting Information Table S6). Proteins for Cell-Mediated Rejection were selected from the “epithelial cell differentiation” list (Table 3) and the “actin filament based process” list (supporting Information Table S4). Discrimination factors (colored boxes) are log2(RAMR/RCMR), where RAMR is the median-normalized spectral count ratio of the two proteins for the Antibody-Mediated Rejection group and RCMR is the ratio of the two proteins in the Cell-Mediated Rejection group. Colors stratify discrimination factors from high (yellow) to low (blue). The spectral counts shown for specific proteins represent the median-normalized spectral count values (|SC|) obtained in the appropriate rejection states. Proteins are listed by both the GI accession number and the official gene symbol. Full annotation of the candidate biomarkers listed can be obtained using the GI accession number at the Entrez Protein online site (