Fig. 2.
E-field and Triton X-100 lysis compared for releasing exosomal GAPDH mRNA from human saliva. (a) Schematic illustration of an exosome disrupted with E-field and RNA released. (b) TEM images before (left) and after (right) E-field (top) or Triton X-100 (bottom) treatment. (i and iii) Exosomes (arrows) attached to anti-hCD63 magnetic beads; (ii and iv) Exosomes were disrupted after treating with (ii) a csw E-field for 200 s, or (iv) with Triton-X 100 for 20 min. The background is the lacey support film for TEM. (c) GAPDH mRNA by EFIRM (top) or Triton X-100 (bottom).