Figure 1.
Development of Strawberry Shoot.
(A) Schematic representation of the shoot structure and development in seasonal flowering strawberry (SD F. vesca). Under LDs in summer, the plant grows vegetatively and axillary buds typically differentiate into runners (stolons). Autumn SDs cause flower initiation in the apical meristem and the development of axillary branch crowns. The terminal inflorescence emerges in the next season, and newly formed axillary branch crowns continue vegetative development. Note that branch crowns formed in the autumn often produce terminal inflorescences in the next spring.
(B) Close-up of a strawberry crown with the main crown in the middle and axillary branch crowns (arrows) in both sides. An Fv SOC1-RNAi line, which produces only a few runners, was photographed.
(C) Close-up of a young strawberry seedling with a newly emerged runner (arrow). Simple leaves in the figure are juvenile leaves.