The Ubiquitin-Conjugating Activity of Fni3 Is Required for PCD Associated with Effector-Triggered Immunity.
Coexpression of an E2 activity mutant of Fni3, Fni3C89G, with Fen and other PCD triggers diminished cell death that was caused by expression of corresponding R protein/cognate effector. Agrobacterium-mediated transient coexpression of Fen, Pto/AvrPto, Rx/CP, Pto/AvrPtoB1-387, AvrPtoB1-387, RPS2/AvrRpt2, and Fni3 or Fni3C89G in N. benthamiana was performed through infiltration of Agrobacterium carrying T-DNA with the corresponding gene or the EV pBTEX in the area indicated by red (denoting strong cell death) or black (denoting no or reduced cell death) circles in fully expanded leaves of 4- to 5-week-old plants. At least five spots of infiltration were performed for each cell death trigger/Fni3 (or Fni3C89G) combination on five different plants, and a typical result is shown here. Photographs were taken 3.5 d after infiltration. The experiment was repeated three times with similar results. Bar = 1 cm.