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. 2013 Sep 26;35(5):369–387. doi: 10.1155/2013/451248

Table 1.

Targets of oncogenic miRNAs and their role in cancer cells.

miRNAs Target gene Techniques Short description References
miR-21 TPM1 WB, LA miR-21 downregulates TPM1 in breast cancer and leads to anchorage-independent growth. [25]
E2F1 WB, RT-PCR miR-21 regulates E2F1 by TGF-β signaling pathway. [55]
TGFBR2 WB, RT-PCR miR-21 regulates TGFBR2 by TGF-β signaling pathway. [55]
TIMP3 WB, RT-PCR TIMP3 is a MMP inhibitor, miR-21 suppresses TIMP3 by promoting invasiveness of cancer cells. [56]
SERPINB5 WB, LA Downregulation of PDCD4 and maspin (SERPINB5) by miR-21 causes tumorogenesis. [57]
PDCD4 WB, RT-PCR, LA miR-21 decreases PDCD4 protein amounts and increases invasion. [58]
SLC16A10, SGK3, RP2, CFL2
RT-PCR, M Inhibition of miR-21 in MCF-7 breast cancer cells shows reduced expression of p53 tumor suppressor protein. FAS, CDK6, CDKN1A, FAM3C, HIPK3, PRRG4, ACTA2, BTG2, BMPR2, SESN1, IL6R and tumor suppressor protein Programmed Cell Death 4 (PDCD4) are also downregulated by miR-21. [30]
FAS, TIMP3 WB, LA Downregulation of miR-21 increases Fas ligand and TIMP3 expression; thereby it is involved in the upregulation of apoptosis. [59]
CDC25A WB, RT-PCR, LA miR-21 suppresses Cdc25A expression, a cell cycle regulator. [60]
RECK RT-PCR miR-21 suppresses RECK and inhibitors of MMPs and thus promotes invasiveness of cancer cells. [56]
MTAP LA Apoptotic function of MTAP is suppressed by miR-21. [61]
RECK WB, RT-PCR, LA RECK regulating the membrane-anchored protease is down regulated by miR-21. [62]
PDCD4 WB, LA miR-21 positively regulates PDCD4 through interaction with ovarian steroids and TGF-β signaling pathway. [55]
BTG2 EGFP, WB, Fluorescence Intensity Expression of miR-21 leads to lower level of BTG2 which is a cell cycle regulator and tumor suppressor. It causes loss of control on G1 to S phase transition. [63]
PTEN LA miR-21 regulates MMP-2 expression in cardiac fibroblasts of the infarct zone via PTEN pathway. [64]
BTG2 WB, RT-PCR, LA miR-21 directly inhibits BTG2 which is a cell cycle inhibitor leading to uncontrolled DNA synthesis by activation of forkhead box M1. [65]
PELI1 RT-PCR, LA miR-21 overexpression inhibits Peli1 via kappaB signalling. [66]
PDCD4 WB Deregulation of miR-21 by vinyl carbamate induces mouse lung tumorigenesis by down regulating PDCD4. [67]
BIG-H3 LA miR-21 targets big-h3. It could be induced by TGF-β and it regulates TGF-β signalling positively and negatively. [68]
BIM WB, LA Bim, a apoptotic activator, is collectively targeted by miR-21, miR-24, and miR-221 and its action is suppressed. [69]
HER2 WB, RT-PCR miR-21 upregulates human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and acts as oncogene. [34]
MSH2, SMAD7 WB, RT-PCR, LA miR-21 downregulates MSH2 and SMAD7 in TGF-β pathway and causes breast cancer progression. [33]

miR-10b HOXD10 WB, LA Overexpression of miR-10b induces robust invasion and metastasis by down regulating translation of homeobox D10. [37]
KLF4 WB, RT-PCR, LA miR-10b reduces endogenous KLF4 protein, a tumor suppressor. [70]
SFRS1 WB, RT-PCR, LA miR-10b suppresses SFRS1 (SR-family splicing factor) and causes migration, invasion, and in vivo metastasis of neuroblastoma cells. [71]
SFRS10 LA miR-10b suppresses SFRS10 and causes migration, invasion, and in vivo metastasis of neuroblastoma cells. [71]

miR-125a-5p ERBB2 WB, RT-PCR, LA Expression of either miR-125a or miR-125b results in suppression of ERBB2 and ERBB3 (oncogene family) and exhibits reduced migration and invasion capacities. [72]
TP53 WB, RT-PCR, LA miR-125b inhibits p53 gene translationally and transcriptionally and the isomer of miRNA-125 (miRNA-125a) translationally arrests mRNA of the p53, a tumor suppressor gene. [44]
HuR WB, RT-PCR, LA HuR is a stress induced RNA binding protein having over expression in different cancers. Expression of miR-125a significantly reduces HuR. [73]
ARID3B WB ARID3B is overexpressed in human ovarian cancer. Overexpression of miR-125a induces conversion of highly invasive ovarian cancer cells from a mesenchymal to an epithelial morphology and suppresses cancer by negatively regulating EMT. [74]

miR-125b BAK1 WB, RT-PCR, LA, M Overexpression of miR-125b stimulates androgen-independent growth of prostate cancer by down regulating Bak1 (proapoptotic regulator). [75]
CDK6, CDC25A WB miR-125b overexpression decreases CDK6 and CDC25A expression. It regulates proliferation of U251 glioma stem cells through cell cycle regulated proteins CDK6 and CDC25A. [76]
SMO WB, RT-PCR, LA Downregulation of miR-125b allows high levels of Hedgehog-dependent gene expression leading to tumor cell proliferation by allowing Hedgehog signalling. [77]
ST18 WB, Branched, LA, DNA Probe Assay ST18 is downregulated in DS-AMKL patients having high expression of miR-125b; thus miR-125b-2 acts as a positive regulator of megakaryopoiesis. [78]
DICER1 WB, LA, Branched DNA Probe Assay DICER1 is down regulated in DS-AMKL patients having high expression of miR-125b, thus miR-125b-2 acts as a positive regulator of megakaryopoiesis. [78]
TP53INP1 LA miR-125b directly represses TP53INP1, an apoptosis regulator in p53 pathway. [79]
BMF WB, RT-PCR, LA overexpression of miR-125b reduces expression of cell apoptosis related protein Bcl-2 modifying factor (Bmf), by targeting BMF. [80]
BMPR1B LA miR-125b targets BMPR1B and causes risk in breast cancer pathogenesis. [81]
HuR WB HuR is a stress-induced RNA binding protein having over expression in different cancers. miR-125a targets HuR. [82]
κB-Ras2 LA miR-125b downregulates kappaB-Ras2 gene expression. [83]
E2F3 WB, RT-PCR, LA E2F3, an inducer of bladder cancer, is suppressed by miR-125b at protein level through regulation of G1/S transition through the E2F3-Cyclin A2 signaling pathway. [84]
PUMA LA miR-125b directly represses Puma, an apoptosis regulator in p53 pathway. [79]
LA miR-125b directly represses apoptosis regulators such as BAK1, CDC25C, PPP1CA, PRKRA and TP53A, ZAC1, in p53 pathway. [79]
PPP2CA RT-PCR, LA miR-125b directly inhibits apoptosis by down regulating PPP2CA expression. [85]
TDG qRT-PCR miR-125b directly suppresses the expression of TDG in p53 pathway. [86]

miR-155 CYR61 WB, RT-PCR, LA overexpression of miR-155 contributes to preeclampsia development by targeting and downregulating angiogenic regulating factor CYR61. [87]
FOXO3 WB, RT-PCR, LA Inverse correlation between miR-155 and FOXO3a prevails in breast cancer cell lines and tumors. [47]
SOCS1 Immunofluorescence, RT-PCR, LA Overexpression of miR-155 in breast cancer cells leads to constitutive activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) through the Janus-activated kinase (JAK) pathway. [88]
CCND1 LA miR-155 reduces endogenous expression of CCND1 by suppressing Luc-CCND1. [89]
IKBKE WB, RT-PCR, LA miR-155 expression is increased in gastric epithelial cell lines and gastric mucosal tissues.
miR-155 negatively regulates IkappaB kinase epsilon, Sma- and Mad-related protein 2 (SMAD2), Fas-associated death domain protein, interleukin-8, and growth-related oncogene-alpha.
FADD WB, RT-PCR miR-155 expression is increased in gastric epithelial cell lines and gastric mucosal tissues.
miR-155 negatively regulates IkappaB kinase epsilon, Sma- and Mad-related protein 2 (SMAD2), Fas-associated death domain protein, interleukin-8, and growth-related oncogene-alpha.
JARID2 WB, RT-PCR, LA overexpression of miR-155 decreases levels of endogenous JARID2, cell cycle regulator mRNA and causes tumor. [91]
CEBPB WB, RT-PCR, LA EBPβ translation is suppressed by miR-155 through C/EBPβ in tumor-activated monocytes and reduces tumor progression. [92]
SHIP WB, RT-PCR, LA miR-155 decreases SHIP1 expression as a result of autocrine stimulation by proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). [93]
TAM WB, RT-PCR miR-155 downregulates TAM and causes spontaneous breast cancer development. [94]
VHL WB, RT-PCR miR155 downregulates VHL, tumor suppressor via promoting HIF transcription factors and angiogenesis. [95]
p53 WB, RT-PCR, LA miR155 downregulates p53 and promotes cell proliferation. [52]
VHL WB, RT-PCR, LA miR155 downregulates VHL and promotes lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis as well as triple-negative tumor in breast cancer. [54]
CDC73 WB, RT-PCR, LA miR155 negatively regulates CDC73 which inturn positively regulates β-catenin, cyclin D1, and c-MYC and increases cell viability. [53]
ZNF652 WB, RT-PCR miR155 downregulates ZNF652 causing expression of TGFB1, TGFB2, TGFBR2, EGFR, SMAD2, and VIM resulting in increased cell invasion and metastasis. [96]
MMP2, MMP9, VEGF WB, RT-PCR miR155 causes up regulation of MMP2, MMP9, and VEGF resulting in increased tumor size. [97]
HK2 WB, RT-PCR, LA miR155 up regulates hk2 by activating signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3 ) and targeting C/EBPβ. [48]

WB: Western blot; RT-PCR: real time-PCR; LA: luciferase Assay; M: microarray.