(A and B) Expansion of the primary vascular plexus and endothelial filopodia was reduced in the absence of GRK2. (A) Whole-mount P9 retinas from WT (Grk2fl/fl; n = 5) or Tie2Cre-Grk2fl/fl (n = 5) pups were stained with endothelial FITC-ILB4 marker. The ILB4-positive area was quantified in the entire retinal surface (low magnification) or in proximal regions of the vascular plexus (high magnification) (WT, n = 15; mutant, n = 12) as detailed in Methods. (B) Filopodia of tip cells were counted in high-power fields of 5 WT retinas (n = 17) and 6 Tie2Cre-Grk2fl/fl retinas (n = 18). (C and D) Delayed recruitment of pericytes to retinal ECs and perturbed cell-cell interactions in mutant mice. Whole-mount (C) P9 and (D) P14 retinas of WT (n = 5) and Tie2Cre-Grk2fl/fl (n = 5) mice were double stained with ILB4-FITC and anti-NG2 antibodies, and the corresponding positive areas were quantified (n = 14 and n = 11 images, respectively) as detailed in Methods. (C) Pericyte coverage was expressed as the percentage fraction of colocalizing pericyte- and endothelial-positive areas. (D) Abnormal association of pericytes with endothelial capillaries in the primary vascular plexus of P14 Tie2Cre-Grk2fl/fl retinas. Some pericytes remain dissociated from ECs and make irregular connections between endothelial capillaries (zoomed images). High-magnification fields (n = 12 from retinas of 5 Grk2fl/fl; n = 20 from retinas of 5 Tie2Cre-Grk2fl/fl) were inspected. m, macrophages. Scale bar: 100 μm (A, C, and D); 25 μm (B).