Figure 2.
Comparison of p47 UBX with other UBX domains/ubiquitin and p97 N domain with NSF. (A) Superpositions of p47 C (red) with p47 UBX solution structure (grey, pdb-code 1JRU), FAF1 UBX (blue, pdb-code 1H8C) and ubiquitin (yellow, pdb-code 1UBI). Note the shorter turn between S3 and S4 for ubiquitin and the additional helix H1 in p47 C. (B) Top view of a superposition of p97 ND1 and NSF N domain. The p97 N domain has 9% sequence identity with NSF (1.9 Å rmsd over 117 residues). The p97 N domain is coloured blue, p97 D1 grey and NSF N domain gold. Residues at the p97 N–p47 C complex interface are shown in ball-and-stick representation (red). Residues implicated in α-SNAP binding by NSF N are coloured magenta and are located on the opposite side of the p47-binding site.