Figure 5.
The S3/S4 loop is essential for binding to p97. (A) Binding studies of p47 C and mutant p47 C harbouring a shortened S3/S4 loop (Thr342, Phe343, Pro344, Asn345 to Ala, Gly) with full-length p97. The binding of p97 to the p47 C mutant (lane 4) is very much reduced compared to p47 C wild type (lane 2). (B) Effect of single-point mutations in p47 C upon p97 binding. S3/S4 loop mutants Phe343Ser (lane 6) and Asn345Ala (lane 8) as well as the hydrogen bonding interrupting mutant Arg301Ala (lane 4) show reduced binding to full-length p97 compared to wild-type p47 C (lane 2).