Figure 6. Scattering spectra and SEM images of 21 different Ag nanorods fitted to a coupled-oscillator model.
(a) Spectra and fits of two representative rods of high and low coupling strength (spectra are displaced for clarity). The inset shows dark-field images and SEM images. (b) Normalized scattering spectra for 21 individual nanorods arranged in the order of increasing detuning. The dashed lines follow the position of the hybrid resonances. (c) Dephasing rates extracted from data in b) by fitting to the coupled-oscillator model and shown as a function of 1/Vsca. The inset shows a dimensionless depth of the dip parameter as a function of inverted volume. Solid curves are the fits of γpl and 2g that cross at about
– the onset of strong coupling regime. (d) Molecular (ω0), plasmon (ωpl) and hybrid (ω+ and ω−) resonances shown as a function of detuning. The dashed lines are guides for the eye.