Table 4.
Community-level OLS models of the effects of migration on vegetation greenness.
Predictor | Change in NDVI |
Change in EVI |
Ratio of migrants/nonmigrants | 0.35 * | 0.63 * |
Mean annual precipitation | 0.00 | 0.01 |
CV of monthly precipitations | 0.28 *** | 0.40 *** |
Experienced drought | 0.22 ** | 0.25 + |
Mean annual temperature | −0.22 *** | −0.34 *** |
SD of monthly temperatures | −0.11 | −0.05 |
Mean land slope | 0.04 * | 0.02 |
SD of land slope | −0.12 ** | −0.06 |
Mean farm size | −0.03 ** | −0.04 ** |
Maize cultivated | 0.21 * | 0.41 ** |
Coffee cultivated | 0.10 | 0.11 |
Potatoes cultivated | −0.40 *** | −0.61 ** |
Peanuts cultivated | 0.03 | 0.31 |
Ln(population size) | −0.01 | −0.06 |
Mean education | −0.08 * | −0.13 * |
Occasional transport interruption | 0.26 * | 0.32 * |
Regular transport interruption | 0.45 * | 0.56 * |
Frequent transport interruption | 0.54 ** | 0.79 * |
NDVI x10 | −0.35 *** | - |
EVI x10 | - | 0.11 |
Canton fixed effects (joint F) | 24.1 *** | 20.9 *** |
Constant | 5.81 *** | 6.56 *** |
Ncommunities | 78 | 78 |