Fig 4.
Incorporation of T-705RTP or various nucleotides into a nascent RNA strand. (A) Incorporation of CTP, GTP, and T-705RTP at the position of G11+1. The 32P-labeled pGEM-7zf(+) DNA runoff transcript with a 5′Cap1 structure (Cap1-pGEM-mRNA), crude influenza virus RdRp containing a viral genome, and nucleotides including T-705RTP were incubated. Reaction products were then electrophoresed. Lane 1, Cap1-pGEM-mRNA; lanes 2 to 6, Cap1-pGEM-mRNA + crude enzyme solution; lane 3, conditions of lane 2 + 50 μM CTP; lane 4, conditions of lane 2 + 50 μM GTP; lanes 8 and 9, conditions of lane 2 + 100 or 1,000 μM T-705RTP. (B) Incorporation of GTP, T-705RTP, 2FdGTP, and dGTP at the position of G11+2. The 32P-labeled pGEM-7zf(+) DNA runoff transcript with a 5′Cap1 structure (Cap1-pGEM-mRNA), crude influenza virus RdRp containing a viral genome, and nucleotides including T-705RTP were incubated. Reaction products were then electrophoresed. Lanes 1 to 7, Cap1-pGEM-mRNA + crude enzyme solution + 50 μM CTP; lanes 2 and 3, conditions of lane 1 + 100 or 1,000 μM GTP; lanes 4 and 5, conditions of lane 2 + 100 or 1,000 μM T-705RTP; lane 6, conditions of lane 1 + 1,000 μM 2FdGTP; lane 7, conditions of lane 1 + 1,000 μM dGTP.