Southern blotting with an intron-specific probe confirmed the intron insertions in the chromosomal DNA of the C. beijerinckii mutants. (A) Digestion with HindIII. A single band of 2.9 kb was detected in C. beijerinckii pta::int(17), a single band of 6.5 kb was detected in pYW1 donor plasmid (positive control), while no band was detected in the wild-type (negative control). (B) Digestion with AvaI and MscI. A single band of 3.7 kb was detected in C. beijerinckii buk::int(532), a single band of 1.9 kb was detected in the pYW1 donor plasmid (positive control), while no band was detected in the wild-type (negative control). Lane M, marker; pta, C. beijerinckii pta::int(17); buk, C. beijerinckii buk::int(532); pc, positive control; WT, wild type.