Time-kill curves for linezolid (a), tigecycline (b), doripenem (c and d), moxifloxacin (e and f), colistin (g), and daptomycin (h) against S. aureus ATCC 29213 and P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 in MHB (empty symbols) and in MHB with surfactant (MHBsurf) (filled symbols) at different antibiotic concentrations represented by the following symbols: empty hexagon, 0.5× MIC; filled hexagon, 0.5× MICsurf; empty square, 1× MIC; filled square, 1× MICsurf; empty circle, 2× MIC; filled circle, 2× MICsurf; empty triangle, 4× MIC; filled triangle, 4× MICsurf; empty inverted triangle, 8× MIC; filled inverted triangle, 8× MICsurf; empty rhombus, 16× MIC; filled rhombus, 16× MICsurf; empty left-pointing triangle, 32× MIC; filled left-pointing triangle, 32× MICsurf; empty right-pointing triangle, 64× MIC; filled right-pointing triangle, 64× MICsurf; empty pentagon, 256× MIC, filled pentagon, 256× MICsurf; empty star, GC; filled star, GCsurf. Mean bacterial counts at baseline and after 4, 8, and 24 h are shown as CFU/ml.