Model of erythrocyte cytoskeleton dynamics during merozoite invasion and a possible role for PfShelph2 in regulating Band 3 dynamics. The merozoite attaches to the erythrocyte via adhesion ligands on its surface and in micronemes. An unknown parasite or erythrocyte kinase (blue diamonds) phosphorylates Band 3, reducing its affinity for the erythrocyte cytoskeleton through ankyrin. This allows the merozoite to create a defect in the erythrocyte cytoskeleton through which it can enter the erythrocyte as it drives the formation of the parasitophorous vacuole, which is derived from host and parasite components, including components discharged from the rhoptries. As the merozoite enters the erythrocyte, it discharges PfShelph2 into the erythrocyte, where it can dephosphorylate Band 3 and thus repair the defect in the erythrocyte cytoskeleton created by the invading merozoite.