Prdm4ΔZF deletion allele targeting strategy. (A) Schematic representation of the wild-type (WT) locus, targeting vector, Prdm4ΔZF mutant allele, and Southern blot screening probes. B, BglII; P, PmeI; RI, EcoRI; S, SacI; X, XhoI. LoxP sites are represented by red arrowheads. (B) Southern blot analysis of representative drug-resistant colonies. The positions of diagnostic wild-type (17.3-kb) and targeted (8.4-kb) fragments are shown. (C) Northern blot analysis of Prdm4 transcripts in wild-type and homozygous Prdm4ΔZF/ΔZF ESCs. Full-length (wild-type) and truncated ΔZF RNA fragments are indicated.