A. A scheme of maturation of Okazaki fragments in E. coli. Filled line, template DNA strand; open line, primer (nascent) DNA strand; half-arrowhead, 3'-end; wavy gray segment, the RNA primer on the 5'-end. B. Pulse label accumulates in LMW species in the rnhA polA double mutant. The original size of the 32P-labeled linear marker was 11.2 kbp (should have peaked between fractions 13 and 15), but it became degraded upon storage. However, its characteristic profile still allows one to align the two gradients. The strains are: rnhA polA, ON2104; ligA, GR501. C. The ligase defect in Okazaki fragment maturation is complemented by the ligA+ plasmid, whereas the rnhA polA defect is not. The strains are GR501 (ligA251) and ON2104 (rnhA polA); the LigA+ plasmid is pRB154.