Fig. 6.
PA increases S6K1, rpS6 and mTOR phosphorylation. C2C12 myocytes were incubated in the presence or absence of EtOH as described in Fig.5. Equal amounts of protein from cell lysates were analyzed via Western blotting using antibodies against phosphorylated (p)-mTOR, S6K1, and 4E-BP1 (A).Quantified data were plotted on a bar graph (B–D). (E) Cell extracts were analyzed using antibody recognize p-ribosomal protein (rp) S6. The data shown are mean ± SE of 4 independent experiments consisting of 4 replicate samples per experiment. Groups with different letters are significantly different from one another (* P< 0.05). Groups with the same letters are not significantly different. *P< 0.05 versus the control values.