Stimulus-specific contextual modulation of activity among BLA neurons. A, B, These plots represent excitation (red), inhibition (white), or no response (black) in 10 ms periods for each of 72 BLA neurons under four acoustic/context combinations. Each neuron's responsiveness (as defined in Materials and Methods) is plotted along a line; the same order of neurons is maintained in the four plots. White vertical lines indicate stimulus onset. Across the population, early excitation to the LFH call was substantially increased in the presence of the predator cue (A), while no similar effect was observed for BBN responses (B). C, D, Proportions of BLA units showing excitation (red) or inhibition (blue) in 10 ms bins following stimulus onset. Gray bars indicate timing of stimuli. C, Few neurons display early responses to LFH in the neutral context, but many more neurons show early responses in the predator context. D, The population responsiveness to BBN did not change substantially with different contexts; in both contexts there is a substantial early responsiveness component.