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. 2013 Sep 5;178(9):1403–1413. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwt154

Table 2.

Hazard Ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals for the Associations of Reproductive Factors and Exogenous Hormone Use With Pancreatic Cancer Risk Among 118,164 Participants in the California Teachers Study, 1995–2009

No. of Cases Person-years Multivariable HRa 95% CI
All Participants
Total 323 1,505,060
Age at menarche, years
 ≤11 68 339,542 1.00 Referent
 12 82 408,821 0.98 0.71, 1.35
 13 84 437,735 0.92 0.66, 1.26
 ≥14 82 299,088 1.22 0.88, 1.69
  P for trend 0.31
Duration of OC use, years
 Never 156 437,932 1.00 Referent
 <1 17 115,325 1.10 0.65, 1.85
 1–4 43 342,562 1.15 0.78, 1.68
 5–9 36 312,200 1.12 0.74, 1.69
 ≥10 47 213,768 1.72 1.19, 2.49
  P for trend 0.014b
Parity/No. of full-term pregnancies
 Nulligravid 49 302,273 1.00 Referent
 Gravid, nulliparous 16 90,651 1.44 0.82, 2.55
 1 44 230,145 1.13 0.75, 1.70
 2 101 492,786 1.10 0.78, 1.55
 3 62 239,027 0.98 0.67, 1.43
 ≥4 41 124,123 0.94 0.62, 1.44
  P for trend 0.68
Number of full-term pregnancies among parous women
 1 44 230,145 1.00 Referent
 2 101 492,786 0.98 0.69, 1.41
 3 62 239,027 0.88 0.60, 1.30
 ≥4 41 124,123 0.83 0.55, 1.29
  P for trend 0.31
Age at first full-term pregnancy among parous women, years
 <22 34 155,583 1.00 Referent
 22–24 66 236,863 1.13 0.75, 1.72
 25–29 101 442,541 1.12 0.76, 1.67
 ≥30 47 251,080 1.09 0.69, 1.74
  P for trend 0.76
 Never breastfed 73 237,291 1.00 Referent
 Ever 175 846,062 1.07 0.81, 1.41
Menopausal status/HT use at baselined
 Premenopausal 29 631,941 1.00 Referent
 Postmenopausal, never used HT 87 169,758 1.31 0.67, 2.59
 Postmenopausal, ever used HT 176 574,109 0.93 0.48, 1.78
Postmenopausal Participants Only
HT use at baselined
 Never HT user 87 169,758 1.00 Referent
 Ever HT user 176 574,109 0.70 0.54, 0.91
HT formulation at baselined
 Never HT user 87 169,758 1.00 Referent
 Ever HT user
  Used ET only 74 215,100 0.64 0.47, 0.88
  Used EPT only 68 260,774 0.81 0.58, 1.14
  Used both ET and EPT 36 107,621 0.72 0.49, 1.06
Recency of use at baselined
 Never HT user 87 169,758 1.00 Referent
 Former HT user 43 105,054 0.70 0.48, 1.01
 Current ET user 52 192,503 0.59 0.42, 0.84
 Current EPT user 75 260,794 0.84 0.61, 1.17
Recency of use at baseline; follow-up truncated at June 30, 2002d
 Never HT user 31 86,296 1.00 Referent
 Former HT user 13 53,956 0.58 0.30, 1.10
 Current ET user 19 96,561 0.66 0.37, 1.17
 Current EPT user 24 128,057 1.00 0.57, 1.77
Age at menopause, years
 <47 52 161,767 1.00 Referent
 47–49 52 113,213 1.29 0.88, 1.90
 50–52 51 157,396 0.79 0.53, 1.17
 ≥53 65 141,484 0.98 0.68, 1.43

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; EPT, estrogen-plus-progestin therapy; ET, estrogen-only therapy; HR, hazard ratio; HT, hormone therapy; OC, oral contraceptive.

a All models were stratified by age at baseline (in single years) and adjusted for race/ethnicity (non-Hispanic white, black, or other), body mass index, measured as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (<25, 25 to <30, ≥30, or unknown), menopausal status (premenopausal, postmenopausal, or unknown), HT use (never, ET only, EPT only, both ET and EPT, progestin-only therapy, or unknown), age at menarche (<14 years, ≥14 years, or unknown), total number of full-term pregnancies (nulligravid, gravid nulliparous, 1–2 full-term pregnancies, ≥3 full-term pregnancies, or unknown), smoking status (never, former, current, or unknown), and history of diabetes (no or yes).

b Includes participants who never used OCs.

c Among participants who ever had a live birth (n = 84,807).

d Excludes participants who used a progestin-only therapy (n = 1,116).