Fetal weights (A,B), placental weights (C) and fetal:placental weight ratios (D) at embryonic day 18.5 in wild-type (WT) and placental-specific Igf2 knockout (P0) mice. Pregnant dams were allowed access to water with (N = 19 litters) or without (N = 23 litters) Sildenafil citrate (SC, 0.4 mg/ml). In figures 2A,C and D, Mean+SEM is shown. Figure 2B demonstrates fetal weights as frequency distribution curves for individual pups; WT control (black solid curve), WT SC (black dashed curve), P0 control (grey solid curve) and P0 SC (grey dashed curve). Vertical dashed line denotes the 5th centile of WT control fetal weights (1.03 g). Individual pup n’s: WT control n = 95, WT SC n = 82, P0 control n = 88, P0 SC n = 77. Statistical analyses of genotype and treatment were performed by Generalized Linear Mixed Models test followed by Sequential Sidak multiple comparisons test. ***P<0.001 WT v P0, ≠
P<0.05 P0 water v P0 SC group.