Figure 5.
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling promotes amphid axon guidance. (A) Enhancement of vab-1(kd) amphid axon guidance defects by reduction of function in PI3-kinase activity. age-1 and aap-1 were tested at 25°. Significance is relative to the single vab-1(kd) mutant (red dashed line). (B) Loss of function in daf-18/PTEN, daf-16/FOXO, and in downstream PI3K signaling kinases suppresses vab-1(kd) guidance defects. daf-18 slightly enhanced the ventral guidance defects of vab-1 null mutants but this is not statistically significant; daf-18 does not significantly affect unc-40 penetrance. Statistics, Fisher exact test: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.