Effect of the sponge extracts on hemorrhage induced by B. jararaca or L. muta venom. The sponge extracts (220 µg/g) were incubated for 30 min. at room temperature with 20 µg/g B. jararaca (Panel A) or with 10 µg/g L. muta venom (Panel B), then the mixtures were injected into mice and the hemorrhage test results evaluated, as described in the methods. Columns are: Venom with DMSO (Column C), M. angulosa (column 1), C. collectrix (column 2), T. ignis (column 3), A. fulva (column 4), D. etheria (column 5), D. anchorata (column 6), A. viridis (column 7), P. citrina (column 8), P. janeirensis (column 9), H. heliophila (column 10). Data are expressed as means SEM of two individual experiments (n = 3). Panel C: B. jararaca venom (20 µg/g) was injected i.d., and 15 min. later, the sponge extracts M. angulosa (Ma), D. anchorata (Da), P. citrine (Pc) and T. ignis (Ti), 110 µg/g (black columns) or 220 µg/g (white columns) were injected i.d. or i.v. (220 µg/g, hatched columns). * Significance level (p < 0.05) when compared to columns C.