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. 2013 Oct 31;7:190. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2013.00190

Table 2.

The role of Nitric oxide in GABAergic function.

References Title Presynaptic action? Retrograde messenger? Effect? Structure (preparation)
Lange et al., 2012 Heterosynaptic long-term potentiation at interneuron-principal neuron synapses in the amygdala requires nitric oxide signaling Effect on plasticity Amygdala (slice)
Moreno-Lopez et al., 2002 Nitric oxide facilitates GABAergic neurotransmission in the cat oculomotor system: a physiological mechanism in eye movement control Controls velocity responsiveness of PH neurons Medial vestibular nucleus projection to prepositus hyperglossi (PH) neurons (in vivo)
Szabadits et al., 2007 Hippocampal GABAergic synapses possess the molecular machinery for retrograde nitric oxide signaling Anatomical evidence: nNOS is post and sCG presynaptic Hippocampus (in vivo)
Xue et al., 2011 NMDA receptor activation enhances inhibitory GABAergic transmission onto hippocampal pyramidal neurons via presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms Increase in sIPSP frequency and amplitude Hippocampal (slice)
Yang et al., 2007 Kv1.1/1.2 channels are downstream effectors of nitric oxide on synaptic GABA release to preautonomic neurons in the paraventricular nucleus Nitric oxide acts on GABA via Kv1.1/1.2 Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (slices)
Yang et al., 2007 Kv1.1/1.2 channels are downstream effectors of nitric oxide on synaptic GABA release to preautonomic neurons in the paraventricular nucleus Increases frequency but not amplitude of inhibitory minis Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (slices)
Bright and Brickley, 2008 Acting locally but sensing globally: impact of GABAergic synaptic plasticity on phasic and tonic inhibition in the thalamus Increases frequency of sIPSCs Thalamus (slices)
Wall, 2003 Endogenous nitric oxide modulates GABAergic transmission to granule cells in adult rat cerebellum NO modulates toninc GABA release Cerebellum (slices)
Holmgren and Zilberter, 2001 Coincident spiking activity induces long-term changes in inhibition of neocortical pyramidal cells Analogous to cases where nitric oxide is involved Neocortical (slices)