Figure 2.
(a) MIF levels in L6 muscle myotube cultures. MIF was measured by ELISA in culture supernatants (solid lines) and in cell lysates (dashed lines) after treatment with 10 ng/ml TNF-α (filled circles) versus medium alone (open circles). There were no detectable differences in cell death as assessed by viability testing with MTT (data not shown). Data are the mean (± SD) of three different experiments, each performed with triplicate cultures. For culture supernatants, P < 0.05 for all TNF-α–treated points ≥24 hours versus medium alone. Error bars are absent for those points in which the width of the error bar is less than the plotted symbol. (b) Time-dependent increase in steady-state MIF mRNA levels in L6 cells after treatment with TNF-α (10 ng/ml) as detected by RT-PCR.