Disruption of fad104 causes skeletal deformities in the anterior fontanel and femurs. A, lateral views of the skulls from wild-type and fad104-deficient mice at E18.5. B, a superior view of the stained calvaria in wild-type and fad104-deficient mice at E18.5. C, the anteroposterior length, transversal length, and the areas of anterior fontanel of wild-type and fad104-deficient calvaria. Each length and area was measured using NIH Image (wild type, n = 3; fad104−/−, n = 6). D, skeletal staining of wild-type and fad104-deficient mice without the skull at E18.5. E, skeletal staining of wild-type and fad104-deficient legs at E18.5. Femur widths were calculated using NIH Image (wild type, n = 3; fad104−/−, n = 6). The data are presented as the means with S.E. F, Arizalin red S staining of wild-type and fad104-deficient femur section. Sections were counterstained by hematoxylin staining. The red color indicates the mineralized tissues. The thickness of cortical bone is indicated by the means with S.E (wild-type, n = 8; fad104−/−, n = 7).