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. 2013 Sep 1;13(11):1–76.

Table 19: Impact of eTools on Eye Examinations Conducted.

Author, Year Study Design Length of Follow-up Sample Size, n (Intervention/Control) Results (Intervention/Control) Effect Estimate (95% CI)
Montori et al, 2002 (37) RCT 24 months 399/208 Retina examination
69%36% of patients
aORa2.4 (1.5–3.9)
Branger et al, 1999 (32) Observational 1 year 215/60 Ophthalmologist assessment
64 (0.3)/18 (0.3) assessments (per patient)
Mean difference 0.0 (0.0−0.0)
Cebul et al, 2011 (38) Observational 1 year 24,547/2,660 Eye examinations
62.6%/30.8% of patients
aDiffb 25.0 (18.7–31.2)
Henderson et al, 2010 (36) Observational 16 months 3,432/688 encounters Referral to ophthalmologist or allied health professional
7.1/3.6 per 100 encounters
aRCc 2.94 (NR) P = 0.002
Herrin et al, 2012 (40) Observational 5 years 10,017/35,033 patient years Eye examinations
41.8%/20.0% of patients
aORd 1.5 (1.4–1.7)
Wells et al, 1996 (42) Observational 23 months 2,049/1,190 Fundoscopy
90%/78% of patients
OR2.54 (2.08–3.10)

Abbreviations: aDiff, adjusted risk difference; aOR, adjusted odds ratio; aRC, adjusted regression correlation; CI, confidence interval; eTool, electronic tool; FRACGP, Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; GP, general practitioner; NR, not reported; OR, odds ratio; RCT, randomized controlled trial.


Adjusted with logistic regression, further details not provided.


Adjusted for insurance type, age, sex, race/ethnic group, language preference, estimated household income, and education level.


Adjusted for GP age, GP sex, FRACGP status, work in deputizing services in preceding month, bulk billing for all patients, practice accreditation status, presence of a practice nurse.


Adjusted for age, sex, insulin usage, and year of study.