Table A1: Study Design Characteristics.
Study, Year | Country | Design | Arms, n | Attrition, % | Recruitment | Length of Follow-up | Patient Eligibility Criteria | Control |
Lorig et al, 1999 (4) | United States | Single-blind RCT |
Randomized Total: 1,140 SM: 664 UC: 476 Completed Total: 952 SM: 561 UC: 391 |
15.1 SM 17.9 UC |
6 months |
Chronic diseases: physician-confirmed asthma, CAD, CHF, chronic arthritis, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or stroke Inclusion criteria: 1 or more of above chronic diseases Exclusion criteria: compromised mentation; received chemotherapy or radiation within past year for cancer; < 40 years age |
Waiting-list control |
Fu et al, 2003 (17) | China | Single-blind RCT |
Randomized Total: 954 SM: 526 UC: 428 Completed Total: 779 SM: 430 UC: 349 |
18.3 SM 18.5 UC |
6 months |
Chronic diseases: medical record-confirmed arthritis, asthma, CAD, CHF, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, emphysema, hypertension, or stroke Inclusion criteria: 1 or more of above chronic diseases; ≥ 20 years age Exclusion criteria: compromised mentation; received chemotherapy or radiation within past year for cancer; patients for whom problems could be expected with compliance or follow-up; participation in another study in previous 30 days; stroke with severe physical disability ;< 20 years of age |
Waiting-list control |
Lorig et al, 2003 (15) | United States | Single-blind RCT |
Randomized Total: 551 SM: 327 UC: 224 Completed Total: 443 SM: 265 UC: 178 |
19.0 SM 20.5 UC |
4 months |
Chronic diseases: physician-confirmed (self-reported if physician unavailable) heart disease, lung disease, or type 2 diabetes Inclusion criteria: 1 or more of above chronic diseases Exclusion criteria: treated for cancer in last year |
Waiting-list control |
Griffiths et al, 2005 (19) | United Kingdom | Double-blind RCT |
Randomized Total: 476 SM: 238 UC: 238 Completed Total: 439 SM: 221 UC: 218 |
7.1 SM 8.4 UC |
4 months |
Chronic diseases: registry-confirmed arthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or respiratory disease Inclusion criteria: 1 or more of above chronic diseases; Bangladeshi; > 20 years age |
Waiting-list control |
Lorig et al, 2006 (14) | United States | Non-blind RCT |
Randomized Total: 958 SM: 457 UC: 501 Completed Total: 780 SM: 354 UC: 426 |
22.5 SM 17.6 UC |
12 months |
Chronic diseases: physician-confirmed chronic lung disease, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes Inclusion criteria: 1 or more of above chronic diseases; ≥ 18 years age; no active treatment for cancer; not ever participated in small-group CDSMP; access to a computer; agreed to 1-2 hours per week of log-on time spread over at least 3 sessions per week for 6 weeks; able to complete online questionnaire |
Care from usual provider |
Swerissen et al, 2006 (16) | Australia | Non-blind RCT |
Randomized Total: 728 SM: 467 UC: 261 Completed Total: 474 SM: 320 UC: 154 |
31.5 SM 41.0 UC |
6 months |
Chronic diseases: physician-confirmed chronic illness (not defined) or chronic pain Inclusion criteria: 1 or more of above chronic diseases; ≥ 18 years age; Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, or Chinese; live within municipal areas of Boroondara, Darebin, Hume, Greater Dandenong, Yarra, or Whittlesea Exclusion criteria: < 18 years age; primary illness psychological or advanced neurological disorder |
Waiting-list control |
Elzen et al, 2007 (18) | Netherlands | Non-blind RCT |
Randomized Total: 144 SM: 70 UC: 74 Completed Total: 129 SM: 67 UC: 62 |
4.3 SM 16.2 UC |
6 months |
Chronic diseases: angina pectoris, arthritis, asthma, CHF, COPD, diabetes (unclear how diagnosis confirmed) Inclusion criteria: 1 or more of the above chronic diseases; ≥59 years of age; ability to communicate in Dutch; availability to attend a 6-week course Exclusion criteria: life expectancy of less than 1 year; already attending a disease-specific self-management program; participating in another study; permanent residents of a nursing home |
Waiting-list control |
Kennedy et al, 2007 (12) | United Kingdom | Non-blind RCT |
Randomized Total: 629 SM: 313 UC: 316 Completed Total: 521 SM: 248 UC: 273 |
20.8 SM 13.6 UC |
6 months |
Chronic diseases: self-reported chronic condition (not defined) Inclusion criteria: 1 or more self-reported chronic condition |
Waiting-list control |
Jerant et al, 2009 (10) | United States | Non-blind RCT |
Randomized Total: 415 Intervention A: 138 Intervention B: 139 UC: 138 Completed Total: 415 Intervention A: 138 Intervention B: 139 UC: 138 |
15.9 SM 14.4 T 7.2 UC |
12 months |
Chronic diseases: physician-confirmed arthritis, asthma, COPD, CHF, depression, or diabetes Inclusion criteria: 1 or more of above chronic disease; ≥40 years age; ability to speak and read in English; residence in a private home with active telephone; eyesight and hearing adequate; at least 1 activity impairment assessed by the HAQ and/or a score of ≥4 on the 10-item CES-D |
Care from their usual provider |
Hochhalter et al, 2010 (13) | United States | Single-blind RCT |
Randomized Total: 79 SM: 26 Safety group: 27 UC: 26 Completed Total: 64 SM: 20 Safety group: 23 UC: 21 |
23.1 SM 14.8 S 19.2 UC |
6 months |
Chronic diseases: ICD-9 diagnosis arthritis, depression, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, lung disease, or osteoporosis Inclusion criteria: received treatment for at least 2 of the above chronic conditions in the previous 12 months; ≥ 65 years age; can communicate in English; has access to telephone; expected to receive most of their care within the health care system for at least 8 months prior to baseline Exclusion criteria: diagnosed with dementia; receiving hospice care; unable to travel to clinic; living outside of the recruitment area |
Care from usual care provider |
Abbreviations: CAD, coronary artery disease; CDSMP, Chronic Disease Self-Management Program; CES–D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies–Depression; CHF, congestive heart failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EPP, Expert Patient Programme; HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire; ICD-9, International Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition; RCT, randomized controlled trial; S, safety arm; SM, self-management arm; T, telephone arm; UC, usual care arm.