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. 2013 Sep 1;13(9):1–60.
# Searches Results
1 exp Coronary Artery Disease/ 211560
2 exp Myocardial Infarction/ use mesz 133322
3 exp heart infarction/ use emez 216531
4 (coronary artery disease or cad or heart attack).ti. 44367
5 ((myocardi* or heart or cardiac or coronary) adj2 (atheroscleros* or arterioscleros* or infarct*)).ti. 149359
6 or/1-5 538869
7 exp Atrial Fibrillation/ use mesz 27983
8 exp heart atrium fibrillation/ use emez 55357
9 ((atrial or atrium or auricular) adj1 fibrillation*).ti,ab. 73222
10 or/7-9 99066
11 exp heart failure/ 300018
12 ((myocardi* or heart or cardiac) adj2 (failure or decompensation or insufficiency)).ti,ab. 233907
13 11 or 12 380815
14 exp Stroke/ 177469
15 exp Ischemic Attack, Transient/ use mesz 16352
16 exp transient ischemic attack/ use emez 19630
17 exp stroke patient/ use emez 5626
18 exp brain infarction/ or exp cerebrovascular accident/ use emez 100838
19 (stroke or tia or transient ischemic attack or cerebrovascular apoplexy or cerebrovascular accident or cerebrovascular infarct* or brain infarct* or CVA).ti,ab. 280281
20 or/14-19 390464
21 exp Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/ use mesz 67951
22 exp non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus/ use emez 101327
23 exp diabetic patient/ use emez 12828
24 (diabetes or diabetic* or niddm or t2dm).ti,ab. 763121
25 or/21-24 787988
26 exp Skin Ulcer/ 71910
27 ((pressure or bed or skin) adj2 (ulcer* or sore* or wound*)).ti,ab. 28604
28 (decubitus or bedsore*).ti,ab. 8513
29 or/26-28 90561
30 exp Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/ use mesz 16974
31 exp chronic obstructive lung disease/ use emez 54556
32 (chronic obstructive adj2 (lung* or pulmonary or airway* or airflow or respiratory) adj (disease* or disorder*)).ti,ab. 54256
33 (copd or coad).ti,ab. 45380
34 chronic airflow obstruction.ti,ab. 1062
35 exp Emphysema/ 37368
36 exp chronic bronchitis/ use emez 6962
37 ((chronic adj2 bronchitis) or emphysema).ti,ab. 50761
38 or/30-37 158839
39 exp Chronic Disease/ 340238
40 (chronic*adj2 disease* or (chronic* adj2 ill*)).ti,ab. 32284
41 39 or 40 358737
42 exp Comorbidity/ 143035
43 (comorbid* or co-morbid* or multimorbid* or multi-morbid* or (complex* adj patient*) or “patient* with multiple” or (multiple adj2 (condition* or disease*))).ti,ab. 202574
44 42 or 43 283057
45 6 or 10 or 13 or 20 or 25 or 29 or 38 or 41 or 44 2703456
46 exp Self Care/ use mesz 33960
47 Self-Help Groups/ use mesz 7150
48 exp Consumer Participation/ use mesz 27930
49 Self Efficacy/ use mesz 9213
50 exp Self Care/ use emez 39454
51 Self Concept/ use emez 49189
52 Self Injection/ use emez 709
53 Self Monitoring/ use emez 2895
54 Patient Participation/ use emez 13365
55 Empowerment/ use emez 1619
56 (selfadminist* or selfcar* or selfinject* or selfmanag* or selfmeasur* or selfmedicat* or selfmonitor* or selfregulat* or selftest* or selftreat*).ti,ab. 1197
57 (self-administ* or self-car* or self-inject* or self-manag* or self-measur* or self-medicat* or self-monitor* or self-regulat* or self-test*OR self-treat*).ti,ab. 106600
58 (selfactivation or selfdevelop* or selfintervention).ti,ab. 11
59 (self-activation or self-develop* or self-intervention).ti,ab. 1876
60 ((patient? or consumer?) adj 3 (activation or coach* or empowerment or involv* or participat*)).ti,ab. 115250
61 health coach*.ti,ab. 200
62 ((behaviour* adj (coach* or modif*)) or (behavior* adj (coach* or modif*))).ti,ab. 6962
63 (dsmp or cdsmp or dsme or smp or sme or smt).ti,ab. 5738
64 (medication? adherence adj5 self*).ti,ab. 497
65 or/46-64 375121
66 45 and 65 56078
67 exp Technology Assessment, Biomedical/ or exp Evidence-based Medicine/ use mesz 63340
68 exp Biomedical Technology Assessment/ or exp Evidence Based Medicine/ use emez 522432
69 (health technology adj2 assess*).ti,ab. 3053
70 exp Random Allocation/ or exp Double-Blind Method/ or exp Control Groups/ or exp Placebos/ use mesz 378960
71 Randomized Controlled Trial/ or exp Randomization/ or exp RANDOM SAMPLE/ or Double Blind Procedure/ or exp Triple Blind Procedure/ or exp Control Group/ or exp PLACEBO/ use emez 900130
72 (random* or RCT).ti,ab. 1252730
73 (placebo* or sham*).ti,ab. 413329
74 (control* adj2 clinical trial*).ti,ab. 35016
75 meta analysis/ use emez 58505
76 (meta analy* or metaanaly* or pooled analysis or (systematic* adj2 review*) or published studies or published literature or medline or embase or data synthesis or data extraction or cochrane).ti,ab. 251967
77 or/67-76 2160203
78 limit 66 to (controlled clinical trial or meta analysis or randomized controlled trial) 6134
79 66 and 77 12038
80 or/78-79 12410
81 limit 80 to yr=“2000 -Current” 10499
82 Case Reports/ or or or use mesz 2907283
83 Case Report/ or Editorial/ or Letter/ or Conference use emez 5789547
84 or/82-83 5893868
85 81 not 84
limit 85 to english language
Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1946 to January Week 1 2012> (3625)
86 Ovid MEDLINE(R) In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations <January 13, 2012> (193) Embase <1980 to 2012 Week 02> (5011) 8829