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. 2013 Sep 1;13(9):1–60.
ID Search Hits
#1 MeSH descriptor Coronary Artery Disease explode all trees 2104
#2 MeSH descriptor Myocardial Infarction explode all trees 7637
#3 (myocardi* or heart or cardiac or coronary) NEAR/2 (atheroscleros* or arterioscleros* or infarct*):ti or (coronary artery disease or cad or heart attack*):ti 8384
#4 MeSH descriptor Atrial Fibrillation explode all trees 2056
#5 (atrial NEAR/2 fibrillation* or atrium NEAR/2 fibrillation* or auricular NEAR/2 fibrillation* ):ti 2268
#6 MeSH descriptor Heart Failure explode all trees 4620
#7 (myocardi* NEAR/2 (failure or decompensation or insufficiency)):ti or (heart NEAR/2 (failure or decompensation or insufficiency)):ti or (cardiac NEAR/2 (failure or decompensation or insufficiency)):ti 5180
#8 MeSH descriptor Stroke explode all trees 3791
#9 MeSH descriptor Ischemic Attack, Transient explode all trees 459
#10 (stroke or tia or transient ischemic attack or cerebrovascular apoplexy or cerebrovascular accident or cerebrovascular infarct* or brain infarct* or CVA):ti 9821
#11 MeSH descriptor Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 explode all trees 6799
#12 (diabetes or diabetic* or niddm or t2dm):ti 16337
#13 MeSH descriptor Skin Ulcer explode all trees 1555
#14 (pressure or bed or skin) NEAR/2 (ulcer* or sore* or wound*):ti 662
#15 (decubitus or bedsore*):ti 98
#16 MeSH descriptor Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive explode all trees 1714
#17 (chronic obstructive NEAR/2 (lung* or pulmonary or airway* or airflow or respiratory) ):ti 2397
#18 (copd or coad):ti 3303
#19 (chronic airflow obstruction):ti 72
#20 MeSH descriptor Emphysema explode all trees 90
#21 (chronic NEAR/2 bronchitis) or emphysema:ti 1180
#22 MeSH descriptor Chronic Disease explode all trees 9770
#23 (chronic* NEAR/2 disease* or chronic* NEAR/2 ill*):ti 1643
#24 MeSH descriptor Comorbidity explode all trees 1902
#25 (comorbid* OR co-morbid* OR multimorbid* OR multi-morbid* OR (complex* NEXT patient*) OR “patient* with multiple” OR (multiple NEAR/2 (condition* OR disease*))):ti 638
#26 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25) 67251
#27 MeSH descriptor Self Care explode all trees 2973
#28 MeSH descriptor Self-Help Groups, this term only 495
#29 MeSH descriptor Consumer Participation explode all trees 840
#30 MeSH descriptor Self Efficacy explode all trees 1136
#31 (selfadminist* OR selfcar* OR selfinject* OR selfmanag* OR selfmeasur* OR selfmedicat* OR selfmonitor* OR self-regulat* OR selftest* OR selftreat*):ti or (self-administ* OR self-car* OR self-inject* OR self-manag* OR self-measur* OR self-medicat* OR self-monitor* OR self-regulat* OR self-test*OR self-treat*):ti or (selfactivation OR selfdevelop* OR selfintervention):ti or (self-activation OR self-develop* OR self-intervention):ti or (patient? OR consumer?) NEAR/3 (activation OR coach* OR empowerment OR involv* OR participat*):ti 2031
#32 (health coach*):ti or (behaviour* NEXT (coach* OR modif*)) OR (behavior* NEXT (coach* OR modif*)):ti or (dsmp OR cdsmp OR dsme OR smp OR sme OR smt):ti or (medication? adherence NEAR/5 self*):ti 186
#33 (#27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32) 6380
#34 (#26 AND #33) 1381
#35 (#26 AND #33), from 2000 to 2012 1155