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. 2013 Jul 30;208(11):1869–1876. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jit371

Table 2.

Results of Logistic Regression Models to Generate Weights for Circumcision and Censoringa

Variables Circumcision, OR (95% CI) Censoring, OR (95% CI)
Baseline covariates
 Age 21–24 y (vs 18–20 y) 1.08 (.90–1.28) 1.04 (.91–1.19)
 Highest completed educational attainment
  None, primary 1–8 Ref Ref
 Some secondary 1.08 (.84–1.38) 0.96 (.91–1.19)
 Secondary or higher 1.12 (.91–1.39) 1.08 (.92–1.26)
 Married or cohabiting (vs not married and not cohabiting) 2.30 (1.53–3.46) 1.40 (1.01–1.94)
 Resides in Kisumu district (vs other district) 1.01 (.73–1.39) 0.79 (.61–1.04)
 Income source
  None Ref Ref
  Self-employed 0.90 (.65–1.24) 1.01 (.81–1.27)
  Salaried 0.98 (.76–1.28) 0.94 (.76–1.18)
 Condom used at last intercourse (yes vs no) 1.99 (1.66–2.37) 0.96 (.84–1.09)
 No. of sex partners in past 6 mo
  0 Ref Ref
  1 0.78 (.60–1.02) 0.90 (.74–1.08)
  ≥2 0.71 (.60–1.02) 0.83 (.68–1.01)
 Endorsement of circumcision 1.03 (.97–1.09) 1.05 (1.01–1.10)
 Self-reported or clinically detected GUD 0.11 (.01–.83) 1.34 (.84–2.14)
 Urethral discharge detected on exam or by self-report 2.00 (1.30–3.06) 0.77 (.53–1.12)
 Self-reported scratches, cuts, abrasions, bleeding of skin of penis after sexual intercourse, occurring in the past 6 mo .96 (.81–1.14) 1.04 (.92–1.19)
Time-varying covariates
 Circumcised 0.94 (.82–1.08)
 Married or cohabiting (vs not married and not cohabiting) 0.91 (.73–1.14) 0.76 (.64–.90)
 Resides in Kisumu district (vs other district) 1.01 (.73–1.40) 0.88 (.68–1.15)
 Income source
  None Ref Ref
  Self-employed 0.83 (.68–1.03) 0.70 (.60–.82)
  Salaried 0.99 (.76–1.28) 0.81 (.68–.97)
 Condom used at last intercourse (yes vs no) 0.77 (.63–.94) 0.93 (.81–1.08)
 No. of sex partners in past 6 mo
  0 Ref Ref
  1 1.02 (.78–1.34) 0.93 (.76–1.12)
  ≥2 1.20 (.90–3.08) 0.90 (.73–1.11)
 Endorsement of circumcision 1.43 (1.35–1.51) 0.91 (.88–.95)
 Self-reported or clinically detected GUD 0.30 (.10–.90) 0.81 (.41–1.60)
 Urethral discharge detected on exam or by self-report 1.62 (.86–3.08) 1.03 (.62–1.70)
 Self-reported scratches, cuts, abrasions, bleeding of skin of penis after sexual intercourse, occurring in the past 6 mo 0.59 (.47–.75) 1.10 (.93–1.30)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; GUD, genital ulcer disease; HSV-2, herpes simplex virus 2; OR, odds ratio.

a Models presented are the denominators for the stabilized weights: pooled logistic regression models for circumcision and for censoring.