Table 3. Treatment Strategies.
Strategy | Short Name | Node Selection at each Treatment Epoch |
Decreasing node degree | dec. degree | Choose node avail. for treatment with largest node degree. |
Increasing node degree | inc. degree | Choose node avail. for treatment with smallest node degree. |
Random node selection | random | Choose avail. ego randomly. Treat ego. |
Acquaintance, degree ≥5 | acq5 | Choose avail. ego randomly. Treat ego & ego’s avail. contacts with node degree ≥5. |
Acquaintance, degree ≥3 | acq3 | Choose avail. ego randomly. Treat ego & ego’s avail. contacts with node degree ≥3. |
Primary contacts | ring | Choose avail. ego randomly. Treat ego & ego’s avail. contacts. |
Primary & some sec. contacts | 2-ring | Choose avail. ego randomly. Treat ego, avail. prim. contacts and some avail. sec. contacts. |
Primary and all sec. contacts | 2-ring all | Choose avail. ego randomly. Treat ego, avail. prim. contacts, and all avail. sec. contacts. |
Contacts of uninfected nodes | naive ring | Choose uninfected ego randomly. Treat all of ego’s avail. prim. contacts. |
Abbreviations: “avail.”: available, “prim.”: primary, “sec.”: secondary.
Treatment strategies considered. In all cases, only infected nodes not currently in treatment and without a history of treatment failure are “available” for treatment.