Figure 1.
Antagonistic effects of E. billingiae, E. tasmaniensis on pear slices and apple flowers inoculated with E. amylovora. A. Symptoms after treatment of pear slices with Eb660, Eb661, FLA03, Et1/99 and Et2/99. One slice from a set of four similar slices with the same treatment is shown. B. Fire blight symptoms on apple flowers sprayed with Eb660, Eb661, Et1/99 and Et2/99, and then inoculated with 500 cells of E. amylovora Ea1/79Sm. Control was treatment with water before inoculation with E. amylovora (three flowers top right). Evaluation for growth of Ea1/79Sm is given in Table 1. The experiments were repeated at least twice producing similar results.