Distribution of colour values obtained from 120 different kinds of laccase‐catalysed colouration reactions containing single (empty circles) or dual monomers (filled circles). The inset is a representative photograph of colouration reactions (colours were shown in cases of single monomers). L* values from 0 (black) to 100 (white) represent luminosity and a*/b* values indicate the ratios of green‐red to blue‐yellow chromatic factors. AS, acetosyringone; VA, vanillic acid; SA, syringic acid; GA, gallic acid; HA, homovanillyl alcohol; PCA, p‐coumaric acid; VN, vanillin; SAH, syringaldehyde; AV, acetovanillone; GAC, guaiacol; FA, ferulic acid; CA, catechin; SCA, salicylic acid; TA tyramine; CAC, catechol.