(a) One representative western blot of protein homogenates (n = 3 per group, F, codes of mice used for this experiment. same as used in Fig. 4e) from whole visceral fat pads that were analyzed for GFP, Atgl, and Ucp1 protein content. Data were normalized by ponceu red staining due to the dissimilar concentrations of housekeeping genes in the microcapsules and host tissue. Quantified data from all 5 mice per group are shown in Figs. 5e and 6a. (b) Inverse correlation between GFP content and lipid per protein ratio in visceral fat from control and treated mice groups. P, significance levels were measured by ANOVA. (c) Protein homogenates (n = 5 per group, same as used in Fig. 5a) from whole visceral fat pads were analyzed for Atgl protein content by western blot and normalized by ponceu red staining. P, significant difference were determined by Mann-Whitney U test. (d) Selected area for laser microdissection pressure catapulting (LMPC) capture (blue dots and red circles) indicates encapsulated cells (‘C’) within H&E stained frozen section from visceral fat. The identity of encapsulated cells was confirmed by green fluorescence. After collection of encapsulated cells the remaining host visceral adipose tissues (‘H’) were collected. (e) Representative electropherogram shows RNA quality that was performed in all extracted by LMPC samples. Samples with RNA integrity number values above 5 were used for mRNA expression measurements. (f) Atgl mRNA expression in capsulated cells (‘C’) and surrounding host visceral adipose tissue (‘H’) after LPMC dissection. Data was quantified using TaqMan assay. Samples (mean ± SD) were measured in triplicate and normalized by 18S expression. P, significance measured by Mann–Whitney U test.