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Table 2. Concordance correlation coefficient.12,13.

rho_c SE(rho_c) Obs [ 95% CI ] p value CI type
0.914 0.017 97 0.881, 0.947 <0.001 asymptotic
0.874 0.941 <0.001 z-transform
Pearson's r = 0.914 Pr(r = 0) = 0.000 C_b = rho_c/r = 1.000
Reduced major axis: Slope = 1.023 Intercept = -0.211
Difference = Total English ESS – Total AESS
Difference 95% Limits Of Agreement
Average Std. Dev. (Bland & Altman, 1986)
0 1.369 -2.684 2.684

Correlation between difference and mean = 0.057

Bradley-Blackwood F = 0.153 (p=0.859)