Figure 4. Areas exhibiting greater connectivity with lobules of the cerebellar vermis in young adults versus older adults.
Axial slices are presented, with the left hemisphere presented on the left. All results are thresholded using an uncorrected p<.001, and the clusters contain at least 10 voxels. CD: caudate; CMA: cingulate motor area; DLPFC: dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex; dPMC: dorsal pre-motor cortex; HPC: hippocampus; MTG: middle temporal gyrus; PCG: pre-central gyrus; pHPC: parahippocampal gyrus; IFG: inferior frontal gyrus; LG: lingual gyrus; PUT: putamen; SFG: superior frontal gyrus; STG: superior temporal gyrus; Thal: Thalamus.