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. 2013 Oct 7;2013:892523. doi: 10.1155/2013/892523

Table 1.

Clinical and instrumental findings in patients with meningeal carcinomatosis (review of literature).

Study reference Age and gender Latency symptoms onset diagnosis Ocular manifestations Associated clinical features Imaging CSF examination Original tumor Treatment Life expectancy
[4] 75, M Not specified Diplopia, left ptosis, anisocoria Headache, confusion, hearing loss, VII cn (cranial nerve) palsy CT scan (normal), MRI (GME) (1) Prot ↑
(2) not performed
Bladder and prostate cancer Declined 15 days

[5] 49, F 10 months Blurred vision and diplopia, horizontal nystagmus Dizziness, ataxia, seizures, dysarthria, VII cn palsy, left lower limb weakness CT scan (normal), MRI + gad (FME, cauda equine, cerebellum) (1) MTC positive
(2) not performed
Ovarian cancer WBRT. IT: topotecan
(0.4 mg × 4)
4 months

[6] 39, F 6 months Sudden bilateral visual loss, horizontal gaze palsy headache, vertigo, seizures MRI + gad (GME) (1) Prot ↑, glu ↓,
(2) MTC negative
Gastric adenocarcinoma RT. IT: MTX
(12.5 mg × 2/we)

[7] 40, F 2 months Visual loss, bilateral sixth cn palsy, bilat papilledema Headache, neck pain, meningism Contrast CT scan (GMEt); MRI + gad (GME) (1) Prot ↑, glu ↓
(2) negative
Melanoma Not done 1 year (after symptoms onset)

[8] 33, F 11 months VI cn palsy Confusion, seizures, increased intracranial pressure CT scan (FME, lateral ventricles) Not performed Uterine cervical neuroendocrine tumor RT 19 months (after cancer diagnosis)

[9] 58, M 2 months (symptoms),
12 months (carcinomatosis)
Left homonymous hemianopia Headache, ataxia CT scan and MRI (right infarction of the caudate, internal capsule, and lentiform nucleus) (1) MTC positive
(2) not performed
Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder Not done

[10] 54, F Postmortem diagnosis of the original tumor, 4 months (symptoms-carcinomatosis) Ptosis, right III cn palsy V and XII cn palsy, dysgeusia MRI + gad (GME) Not performed Collecting duct carcinoma IV: mannitol, dexamethasone, and morphinehydrochloride 3 months

[11] 65, M 2 years (carcinomatosis), 6 weeks (symptoms) Right visual loss Hearing loss, ataxia MRI + gad (normal), repeated MRI + gad (FME. bilateral optic nerves, left V cn), bilateral cerebellopontine angle mass (1) Prot ↑, glu ↓,
MCT negative
(2) not performed
Colorectal cancer RT

[12] 61, M Postmortem diagnosis III cranial nerve palsy Flaccid paraparesis with bladder retention, dysarthria, VII cn palsy, right arm weakness MRI + gad (normal) (1) Normal
(2) Prot ↑, glu ↓,
cells ↑
Lung adenocarcinoma Not done

[13] 51, F 15 years (carcinomatosis),
2 months (symptoms)
Diplopia (VI cn palsy) Paraparesis with bladder retention, peripheral neuropathy MRI (normal) (1) Prot ↑, MTC positive
(2) MTC negative
IT: MTX (15 mg), liposomal Ara-C Last followup: 3 years and 7 months after carcinomatosis diagnosis (clinically stable)

[14] 67, M 2 months (symptoms) Left ptosis, diplopia, and visual loss Headache, hemifacial sensory loss, paraplegia MRI (GME, left retrorbital mass) (1) Cells ↑, MTC negative
(2) MTC positive
Adrenal extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma IV: dexamethasone 2 months (after symptoms onset)

[15] 53, M 4 months (carcinomatosis) Intermittent diplopia Headache, vertigo CT scan and MRI + gad (normal) (1) Normal
(2) MTC positive
Gastric cancer RT(45 Gy), betamethasone (16 mg/die) 3 months

[16] 43, F 156 months (carcinomatosis) Progressive blurred vision and pain in the right eye MRI + gad (FME, right optic nerve ) (1) MCT positive
(2) not performed
Cervical cancer RT + triethylenethiophosphoramide 2 months

[17] 56, M 4 days (symptoms) III cranial nerve palsy Headache, nausea, and low back pain MRI + gad (normal) (1) MTC positive
(2) not performed
Lung cancer

[18] 31
3M, 4F
Average: 8 months (carcinomatosis) Ptosis (2),
diplopia (3),
visual loss (3)
Headache (4),
VII cn palsy (1)
MRI + gad (2 FME, cn, 2 GME, 3 normal) (1) MTC positive
(2) normal
NHL (3), ALL (1), AML (1), plasmablastic myeloma (1), breast cancer (1) Ns Average: 55 days

[19] 50, F 2 years (carcinomatosis) Bilateral loss of vision Confusion, headache MRI + gad (thickening intraorbital optic nerves) (1) Prot ↑, MCT positive
(2) not performed
Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma Ns Ns

[20] 44, M 3 months (symptoms carcinomatosis) Diplopia Headache, confusion, meningeal signs, facial diplegia, ataxia, deafness MRI (normal) (1) Cells ↑, prot ↑, MTC positive
(2) MTC negative
Lung cancer IT: MTX (10 mg), Ara-C (39 mg). RT 182 days (after carcinomatosis diagnosis), 272 days (after symptoms onset)

[21] 67, F 6 months (carcinomatosis) Blurred vision, diplopia Headaches, meningeal signs, and SIADH CT scan (normal) (1) MTC positive
(2) not performed
Gastric cancer RT 7 months (after cancer diagnosis), 2 weeks (after carcinomatosis diagnosis)

[22] 41, M 2 weeks (symptoms) Visual loss, left ptosis Headache, nausea Contrast CT scan (chiasmal thickening), MRI (hydrocephalus, increased CSF signal in the basal cisterns) (1) Prot ↑, MTC negative
(2) prot ↑, MTC negative
Rectal carcinoma Oral: dexamethasone (4 mg) 5 days (after carcinomatosis diagnosis)

[23] 60, F 2 weeks (symptoms) Diplopia, VI cn palsy Ataxia, VII cn palsy, and hearing loss CT scan (normal) (1) Glu ↓, prot ↑, cells ↑, MTC positive
(2) MTC negative
Gallbladder carcinoma IT: MTX 2 months and 2 weeks (after symptoms onset)

[24] 5 months (carcinomatosis) Bilat visual loss papilledema, exotropia, ocular pain Hemiplegia, SAH CT scan (normal), MRI (normal) (1) MTC positive
(2) not performed
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma IT: MTX, corticosteroids 2 weeks (after carcinomatosis diagnosis)

[25] 49, M Postmortem diagnosis (2 months after symptoms onset) Visual loss, bilateral blindness Headache, confusion, leg weakness, dysphagia, seizures, ataxia, and intermittent paralysis CT scan (normal) (1) Normal
(2) not performed
Oesophageal adenocarcinoma Not done 60 days (after symptoms onset)

[26] 44, M Diplopia Headache, ataxia, meningeal signs, V, VII, IX, and X cn palsy (1) Cells ↑, MTC positive
(2) not performed
IT: Ara-C.RT

[27] 35, F 20 weeks (carcinomatosis), 1 week (symptoms) Bilat visual loss to blindness Headache, vomiting, meningeal signs, and loss of consciousness CT scan (normal) (1) Prot ↑, glu ↓, cells ↑, MTC positive
(2) prot ↑, MTC positive
Breast cancer IT: MTX (70 mg tot), Ara-C (80 mg tot) 21 days (after symptoms onset)

[28] 36, F NS Blindness Headache, loss of consciousness CT scan (normal) (1) MTC negative
(2) MTC positive
Lung cancer IT: MTX, Ara-C, ACNU, IL-2 2 years (after carcinomatosis diagnosis)

[29] 60, F 3 months (symptoms carcinomatosis) Visual loss Headaches, paraparesis CT scan (normal), repeated CT scan of brain and orbits (right globe soft mass) (1) Prot ↑, cells ↑
(2) prot ↑, cells ↑, MTC positive
Gastric cancer Prednisone (80 mg)

[30] 37, F Diplopia Headache, nausea, vomiting, and meningeal signs (1) MTC positive
(2) MTC negative
Gastric cancer IT: MTX, Ara-C, prednisolone
IV: adriamycin, ftorafur
365 days (after symptoms onset)

[31] 58, M Postmortem diagnosis Visual loss Vertigo, loss of consciousness (1) Cells ↑
(2) not performed
Colon cancer Not done 10 days (after symptoms onset)

[32] 11, M Visual loss Burkitt's lymphoma

[33] 49, M 1 month (symptoms-carcinomatosis) Scotomas, diplopia Headache, nausea and vomiting, and vertigo CT scan (normal) (1) Prot ↑, cell ↑
(2) MTC positive
Gastric cancer IT: MTX 20 mg 60 days (after symptoms onset)

[34] 59, F 39 months (carcinomatosis) Bilateral blindness Dizziness, tinnitus, and confusion CT scan (normal) (1) Prot ↑, MTC positive
(2) Pprot ↑, MTC negative.
(3) prot ↑, MTC negative.
(4) glu ↓, prot ↑, MTC positive.
Breast cancer RT. IT: Ara-C (70 mg), dexamethasone. IV: 5-FU, vincristine, MTX. Oral: cyclophosphamide, prednisone 4 years and 2 months (after cancer diagnosis), 9 months (after carcinomatosis diagnosis)
49, F 5 years and 3 months (carcinomatosis) Bilateral blindness CT scan (normal) (1) Glu ↓, prot ↑, MTC positive
(2) normal
Breast cancer RT. IT: Ara-C, corticosteroids 5 years and 6 months (after cancer diagnosis), 3 months (after carcinomatosis diagnosis)

[35] 53, F Postmortem diagnosis
(1 month after symptoms onset)
Anisocoria, papilledema Headache, hemiparesis, meningeal signs, and loss of consciousness Subdural hematoma Not performed Gastric cancer 26 days (after symptoms onset)

[36] 53, M Postmortem diagnosis
(3 months after symptoms onset)
Blindness Nausea, vomiting, confusion, ataxia, meningeal signs, and seizures CT scan (normal) (1) Cells ↑, prot ↑,
glu ↓
(2) prot ↑
Lung cancer Not done 3 months (after symptoms onset)

[37] 59, F 46 months (symptoms carcinomatosis); 10 months (carcinomatosis) Scotomas, visual loss to blindness Cerebellar ataxia Skull radiography (normal) (1) cells ↑, MTC positive
(2) normal
Anaplastic endometrioid sarcoma RT. IT: MTX (20 mg × 4),
IM: citrovorum factor
60 days (after carcinomatosis diagnosis), 365 days (after cancer diagnosis)

Cn: Cranial nerve; SIADH: syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion; SAH: subarachnoid Haemorrhage; GME: generalised meningeal enhancement; FME: focal enhancement; NHL: non Hodgkin lymphoma; ALL: acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML: acute myelocytic leukemia; IT: intrathecal; O: oral; IM: intramuscular.