Fig. 1.
TET and TDG are direct targets of miR-26a. (A) Number of miR-26a target sites predicted by TargetScan for human, mouse, and zebrafish TET1/2/3 and TDG. (B) Relative luciferase activity in HEK293T cells transfected with reporter constructs containing the 3′-UTRs of TETs or TDG and cotransfected with either miR-26a precursor (Pre-26a), or negative control (Control). The 3′-UTR of TET2 and the position of the miR-26a binding sites in four TET2 reporter constructs (TET2-1, TET2-2, TET2-3+4, TET2-5+6) are indicated. The luciferase activity of reporter construct cotransfected with the negative control was set to 1. (C and D) Relative luciferase activity in HEK293T cells transfected with reporter constructs containing the wild-type or mutant 3′-UTRs of TET2 (C) or TDG (D) and cotransfected with either miR-26a precursor (Pre-26a), or negative control (Control). The Tet2 and TDG 3′-UTRs carry six and one putative miR-26a binding sites, respectively (putative pairing as shown in Fig. S2). Schematics of wild-type and mutant (M) constructs are shown along with the relative luciferase activities associated with each construct. Data are shown as mean ± SD; ***P < 0.001; *P < 0.05.