Analysis of a subcomplex containing Swm1/Apc13. (A) SWM1-TAP strains containing the indicated mutations were grown at 25°C, shifted to 37°C for 90 min, and processed for TAP purification. Proteins were gel separated and stained with Coomassie blue. Proteins from SWM1-TAP cells are indicated on the left; those from SWM1-TAP cdc23-ts cells are marked on the right. Asterisks mark nonspecific proteins. Strains: lane 1, Z2167; lane 2, Z4364; lane 3, Z4367; lane 4, Z4378; lane 5, Z4379; lane 6, Z4380. (B) APC4-TAP strains containing cdc23-ts mutations or the wild-type allele were treated as in panel A. Purified proteins were detected by immunoblotting. Strains: lane 1, Z3616; lane 2, Z4359; lane 3, Z4361; lane 4, Z4363.