Figure 3. 3:1 ketogenic diet (3:1 KD) improved food pellet reaching as assessed with the Montoya staircase test (experiment 2).
(A) C5 hemi-contusion injury produced marked impairments in reaching with the ipsilateral forelimb, as illustrated by decreased ability to retrieve pellets in the staircase test. However, at 6 wks post-injury 3:1 KD treated animals retrieved pellets twice as successful with the ipsilateral paw compared to animals fed SD. (B) Animals also displayed a decreased skilled reaching success with the paw contralateral to the lesion. No differences were observed between groups. (C) KD animals were more successful than SD animals in retrieving pellets from the lower wells. Error bars indicate SEM. * p ≤ 0.05 (t-test).