A) Band shift assays were performed by incubating the DNA fragment (chr promoter) with increasing concentration of ChrB protein. Lane 1, competitor protein (EBNA extract from Pierce); lane 2, 0 µM ChrB; lane 3, 1 µM ChrB; lane 4, 3 µM ChrB; lane 5, 10 µM ChrB; lane 6, 30 µM ChrB. B) DNA fragment was incubated with ChrB (10 µM) in the absence and in the presence of unlabeled competitor DNA. Lane 1, without protein; lane 2; 0 µg/µl; lane 3, 1 µg/µl; lane 4, 10 µg/µl; lane 5, 50 µg/µl; lane 6, 100 µg/µl; lane 7, 250 µg/µl of competitor DNA. C) EMSA assays with or without chromate. The chr promoter was incubated with ChrB protein (10 µM) and with increasing concentrations of chromate. Lane 1, without protein (control); lane 2, without Cr(VI); lane 3, with 10 µM Cr(VI); lane 4, with 100 µM Cr(VI); lane 5, with 1 mM Cr(VI).