Figure 2. Effect of the Estrogen Dendrimer Conjugate on ASL height.
NuLi-1 and CuFi-1 epithelial monolayers were treated with 1 nM E2, or EDC at concentrations providing 1 nM estrogen equivalents, or empty dendrimer at the concentration that matched that in EDC at a 1 nM estrogen equivalent. Panel A shows typical z-plane sections in control conditions or after treatment with E2, EDC or the empty dendrimer (D). The concentrations given for the EDC and the empty dendrimer are in equivalent E2 concentrations. Panel B shows the mean changes in ASL height in control conditions or following exposure to E2, EDC or the empty dendrimer (n≥4, Error bars reflect standard error of the mean, ANOVA, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01).