A. NuLi-1 (grey bars) and CuFi-1 (white bars) epithelial monolayers were stained with Calcein Green and ASL was stained with dextran conjugated to Texas RedTM fluorochrome and ASL height was measured after treatment with E2 (30 min, 1 nM), and a cocktail of BaCl2 and TEA to inhibit potassium channels (B/T 30 min, BaCl2 10 mM, TEA 1 mM) or pretreated with E2 and then treated with the K+ channels cocktail inhibitor (E2 + B/T) (n = 5, Error bars reflect standard error of the mean, ANOVA, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01). B. NuLi-1 (grey bars) and CuFi-1 (white bars) epithelial monolayers were treated with E2 (30 min, 1 nM), and the KCNQ1 channel specific inhibitor HMR1556 (HMR, 30 min, 1 µM) or pretreated with E2 and then treated with HMR1556 (E2 + HMR) (n≥3, Error bars reflect standard error of the mean, ANOVA, ** p<0.01).