Table 2. IC50 values of each chain-length of poly(P) for rh-TRAP activity.
Poly(P) | IC50±SD (μM) |
Poly(P)750 | 0.663±0.0242 |
Poly(P)300 | 4.43±0.395 |
Poly(P)40 | 47.6±2.27 |
Poly(P)15 | 846±86.7 |
pNPP (8 mM) were incubated with rh-TRAP in the reaction mixture in the presence or absence of the indicated chain-length of poly(P) (10−8, 10−7, 10−6, 10−5, 10−4, 10−3 or 10−2 M) for 2 h at 37°C. IC50 was average value of three independent experiments and determined by plotting the inhibition rate of phosphatase activity versus the logarithm of poly(P) concentration. SD represents standard deviation.