Figure 5.
Accurate prediction of promoter activities from several representative promoters. (A) Clustering of promoter activities where the value at row i and column j represents the activity level of promoter i in the jth growth condition. Promoter activities were normalized across each row by dividing each entry by the vector norm such that values in each row sum to one. Growth conditions are abbreviated as in Figure 4B. (B) The same matrix from (A), but where promoter activities in each condition correspond to predictions. For each condition, predictions were generated using a clustering of the promoter activities of all other conditions and the values of 10 predefined representative promoters from the tested condition (Materials and methods). Predicted values were normalized as in (A). (C) The difference between the clustered matrices in (A) and (B) is shown. Blue boxes denote outlier clusters that are poorly predicted (e.g., the strong activation of cluster 3 in NaCl, Supplementary material 1.3).