Figure 3.
CsrA regulates expression of PefA. (A) Expression of FimA was detected in cell lysates of the indicated S. typhimurium strains using western blot. (B) Quantification of FimA levels in western blots (N=3) by densitometry. (C) Relative expression of fimA mRNA was quantified in RNA isolated from the indicated bacterial strains by real-time PCR. Bars represent the average of three independent experiments ±standard error. (D) Expression of PefA was detected in cell lysates of the indicated S. typhimurium strains using western blot. wt, S. typhimurium wild type (SR-11). (E–G) Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs). 3′-end biotinylated pefA 5′-UTR RNA (E), pefACCA 5′-UTR RNA (F) or pefA 5′-UTR RNA mutated at the indicated positions (G) was incubated with the indicated concentrations of CsrA-6xHis dimers. RNA protein complexes were separated on a native 5% TBE gel to perform EMSA. (H) Expression of PefA was detected in cell lysates of the indicated S. typhimurium strains using western blot.
Source data for this figure is available on the online supplementary information page.