Figure 1.
Ang II promoted Th17 cell accumulation in aortic tissues. Age matched WT mice were treated with sham or Ang II for 14 d. (A) Sham and Ang II-treated WT mice were examined for aortic Th17 recruitment. Left panel: IL-17A expression was analyzed using Q-RT- PCR. Circles: sham- treated mice. Squares: Ang II-treated mice. Right panel: Aortic sections were stained for IL-17A-expressing cells. Cell numbers were quantified microscopically and expressed as cells/visual field under 200X magnification. **, p<0.01. Bottom panel, IHC for IL-17A expression in sham and Ang II infused aortas. IL-17A immunostaining is increased in the adventitial-medial border (adventitial border is indicated by arrows). (B) Flow cytometric analysis of aortic CD4 and IL-17A-positive Th17 cells was performed and amount of double-positive cells was measured. *, p<0.05. (C) Flow cytometric analysis of aortic ROR-γT-expressing cells with CD4+ gating was performed. CD4+ ROR-γT+ cells were quantified. White bars: sham-treated animals. Black bars: animals treated with Ang II for 14 d. n=4 in each group. **, p<0.01.