Figure 8. WASP and N-WASP are inversely regulated by Btk and SHIP-1.
(A–B and D–E) TIRFM analysis of pN-WASP in the contact zone of splenic B cells from wt, xid, control, and B-cell–specific SHIP-1−/− mice that were incubated with membrane-tethered Fab′–anti-Ig. The MFI of pN-WASP in the B-cell contact zone was determined (B and E). (C and F) Flow cytometry analysis of the cellular MFI of pN-WASP in splenic B cells incubated with soluble mB-Fab′–anti-Ig plus streptavidin. Shown are representative images at 7 min and the average MFI (±SD) from three independent experiments. Bars, 2.5 µm. * p<0.01, compared to B cells from wt or littermate control mice.